Saturday 31 January 2009
There is no space for more than two dogs in our bed now, both
Jill and Muzica love to be there. Rune made
bacon for breakfast.
Mr Cake man have had guests for 14 days now, so he have drink all
his coffee at his own home *S*. Not anything "sweet" for a long time
here in our house then. That is very good...but I am still as fat as
His visitors are
going home tomorrow...just hope I do not have to make coffee to him
everyday this week....I hate to do it, and then he bring all his
cakes here again.....

Friday 30 January 2009
Jenny is coming today after school with lot of
newspapers that we start to save now for our coming puppies.
Muzica love to be so close to us all the time place is in our knees but she is to big now. Daddy is
jellous and he said to Jenny....Hi...don't forget that I am the
father...that is a hard thing for me too to expect puppies *S*!

Daddy is resting after he have been stealing a
teddy bear from our
bedroom. Shadow is resting in Holland, waiting for spring (Photo
Rune was very tired after this weeks work and
fall asleep on the dog coach in the kitchen after eating dinner.
Anna Lena who will do the interview of me as
"Breeder Of The Year" for Hundsport, called and start to ask me lot
of things about my life and breeding..and we (Rune and Jenny said
that I talked for two hours *S*) talked about lot of things. She
will come here visiting us and take some photos, when Muzica have
got her litter and calm down.

It is not that easy to jump up in the bed anymore....
Jenny and I was looking around at internet and
made plans for coming shows in Sweden and Europe. I already wait for the day I
can take Muzica to a show the end of april maybe...
Thursday 29 January 2009
Diana send us those relaxing photos of Seven and Florence *S*.

Photo by Kok

Disa is relaxing in Norway waiting for her puppies coming in the end
of February.

Photo by Anne Karin Nyhammer

Bosson and
Zhemtchuzina N Ostrovov got finally 5 puppies this
week..more about them at
Wednesday 28 January 2009
It looks like I have been lucky to win a car, but
unfortunately I had to buy it...I have no luck at lottery even if I
play a lot. It is common when You buy a new car, at least at Volvo,
that You got flowers....but of course You have paid for them by your
self in the prize *S*!
Jonnie and I was out shopping and he was out
driving all night long.
Tuesday 27 January 2009
I was feeling sick today and spend most of the
day on the sofa with too many dogs around me. I was cold and hot and
had pain in my stomach and back..and really shaky in my legs when I
was standing up.
Now it have start with all girls that want to
hire or buy ball gown, so I was working in my store for some hours,
I love it, but have decide to sell out many of my wedding gowns just
because they take so much space and that I want to bring more ball
gown instead, and there are much more interest for that kind of
Or we were talking about making a big trim studio
for Rune out there in the wing, or to sell dog things or anything
else...or if we cant earn any money it is not worth at all to work
there many many hours.....then I can be inside my house looking at
TV and eat chocolate instead, and be fatter and fatter.......*S*.
Monday 26 January 2009
Last may we ordered a new floor in our bedroom,
just because we want it to look really good when we were ready with
the renovation.
The day after they was ready with the mat it
looked like this so we called for them, but they say it will be ok
in some days. After two weeks it looked the same but then they told
us that it will be perfect in one month. After that month it looked
exactly the same and then they were here looking and told us that we
just have to wait some months before the result was perfect.
BUT, it still looks the same and it is now soon 9
months since they did the work. Two weeks ago I got a letter where
they demand me to pay (I have already paid half the bill because I
do not want to let them wait for all the money...I hate to be late
with bills and I never are, and they should know that because they
have done many jobs for us ). But now I was really angry, they could
better have called me and ask if everything was ok with our bedroom
now, but no interest of that...just send the demanding.......grrrrrr
I was soooo angry and send them a letter, and still haven't heard
anything yet. I was sure from the beginning that this will look like
that but they told me that I do not know anything about those
things, and just because of that I ordered the work from specialist
I told them....
And here we are......still ugly. I want a
new floor this spring, I do not want it like this even if I got my
money back or get it for free!!

I hate to have workers in the house, it is so
much better when Rune can do things by him self, but he do not have
the time and it is a hard work to put a large mat on like this so we
were afraid that it will not be that good if he did this .....*S*!
Look now!!!
Sunday 25 January 2009
Rune up very early to drive to Västerås where he will be training as
a judge for Cocker spaniel at a special show.
All other in the house was sleeping some more hours.
When Rune was ready at the show he continue to Stockholm to meet
Helena and to get Puzzle back to us.

Rebecca came here in the afternoon to bring Puzzle back home again
after her long visit in Finland to get her litter over there....Kennel
Marnellins H-litter. Thank You to our wonderful friend Niina and
her mother and father that take care of our dogs in a fantastic way,
and Niina even showed Puzzle to both Nordic and International
Champion. We love You!!!
Rebecca was happy to take Puzzle home and for all nice rosettes that
Niina send back home with her.

Mathematic have never been my best subject in school.....but I was
soooooo sure that Muzica will have her puppies next weekend I think
just because she is VERY big....but when I opened my calendar I saw
that it was one more week to go.....ooooooooh then she is even bigger
than I thought....and she do not eat as much as she could but of
course she know that she can have toast and meat and bananas *S* and
other more funny thing than the dog food now...she look at me with
her beautiful dark brown eyes and of course I opened the freezer and
found some meatballs or sausage or something that she love...
Saturday 24 January 2009
I woke up to my phone........Milda was in
Finland/Åbo today at an International Show, so I was waiting for a
message from Helena. And there it was........Jilloc's Right Here
Right Now (Milda) have been BOB with both CAC and
CACIB......Hurray....and Helena that have been sooo nervous a long
time and especially last week when she got the papers and saw that
there were 56 Dalmatians entered....
Don't worry of course You are the best I said to
here *S*, but I was not so sure about that, I just want to calm her
down...but she was the winner. You are such a nice couple together
just like You and Molly.....we love You Helena and are VERY proud of
You, as always...Congratulations!

Helena, Milda and Molly in Gothenburg jan 2008.

For some weeks now I will start to eat more !! My dietist told me
that I eat to little to loose weight??? I do not understand anything,
just that all my clothes are toooooooo small again *S*!!!
Friday 23 January 2009
I was out shopping in the middle of the day and I have to call
Jonnie so he could help me to carry everything into my car outside
the store and then in to our house....I try not to go so often to
buy food, but when I do that I see everything that we need *S* and
then there is 6 bags full of things instead of the milk I was
there to buy *S*!
We bought lot of meat that we will use for Muzicas puppies later, it
was at discount today.

When Rune came from work he eat and then fall down at the sofa with
Muzica and Jill.....*S*!

After some hours sleep he woke up and moved to another bed in the
kitchen *S*!!
Thursday 22 January 2009
I love just to be home and do nothing...I mean not to have lot of
meetings during the day, so I don't have to drive away all the time
from the dogs... They are so pleased when I sit at the computer so
they can just open one eye and see that I am still sitting here.
Some more days when the heat period is over...
there will be more activities again.
Both Daddy and Bosson have react very much this time for the
bitches...they start to be in very slim fit just now....
I was planning to go shopping today because I will buy nice food for
Muzica now while she only can eat many small meals during the
day...she really start to be big...we have already start to guess
how many puppies there are inside!
I guess for 7-8 and Rune thinks 12....Ohhhhhh please give me some
nice ones that touches my heart in a special way (almost in every
litter there is one special), I love to keep one bitch and one
male...but we have to wait and see.
Ok, I know...we have said that there will be no more for a while.....BUT
this is my only litter from Muzica and Daddy's first litter, so You
understand that this is a special litter for me (again *S*)......I
wish the litter have been 3 weeks old now so I was ready checking for deaf
puppies and blue eye...than we can start to enjoy the litter for
full. It is always so sad when the most lovely puppy (deaf) is
going to be put to in Daddy's most perfect
black bitch ever was deaf.....I can't forget her!!!!

My beautiful "Angel".
I was lucky today...yesterday I put two bottles of Pepsi Max into
the freezer to get it really cold...I found them today..without
exploding, lucky me (this time *S*).
Wednesday 21 January 2009
Diamond with his family.

Thank You Linda and Henrik for nice photos from Your winter holiday.
Diamond have been with Linda and Henrik since first week in
December....It was "Love at first sight" between them and he have
now a wonderful life with lot of activities in his new sporty family,
where he is the "only child"......

Rolex is now having lacy days with Elliott, Jonnie and Roy in Evedal,
instead of Diamond. Photo private.

Here comes Expo flying in the snow, photo by Pia.
Thank You Julia for learning me lot of fun!

Devlin in the spotlight!
Photo by
Johan F-M
Tuesday 20 January 2009
We got lovely photos from Russia of Bossons litter with Russian
Champion Pudding Dog Chain of Gold they are now about 6 w old!

Photo from Russia
Link to the home page with photos of puppies.
One of our favourites.

More nice messages.
New photos of Daddy and Glorias brother TAISTO, Jilloc's Stand By Me
in Finland. Photo from Malla Karhu.

He have so much things from his father, love to see him, thank You
Disa (Jilloc's Picture of Paradise) have a lovely time in Bergen,
Norway...waiting for her puppies (hopefully) at Kennel Lovinda.

Thank You Anne Karin for this photo.
Monday 19 January 2009
I had an early time with my diet nurse and at the
same time I was in the store to buy some fresh food.....maybe I was
away from home 1,5 hour.
Before I left home I put Daddy and Devlina in one
of the kennel rooms here inside with a locked door to the kitchen
and Bosson in the other room close to them. Gloria and Bell in a
small "room" close to the kitchen and Muzica and Jill was in the
kitchen and dining room.
Two of our girls are in heat and I hate to go
away from home then...You never know what can happen!

When I was parking my car in front of the house
outside the kitchen I saw toooooo many dogs on the sofa in the
kitchen and they start to jump on the windows.....I was quick inside
and opened the door to the kitchen and there were four !!!! dogs
Daddy was sooo happy and jump around in lots of
"snow" on the floor, the door from the kitchen to the small hall and
the first kennelroom was opened and out there were full of "snow"

I found our last package with toilet paper and
put it in the small toilet in the small hall between kitchen and
kennel and I let the toilet door be open because there were so hot
in there.
The kennel door that I have locked, was open!!!
Devlina is a champion to open even locked doors!??!

Thank good both season bitches where still in
their room, and Bosson was still in the other kennel...
No bitches in season with our males....I give a
damned in all things that they have eat up..just happy that nothing
else have happened.
Just start to clean for some You
really know how much paper there is in 8 toiletrolls *S*, now I
I just remember that when we were going to my
aunts funeral at Friday......Roy and Jonnie came here to change
clothes before we left for Gothenburg. I have put things for Roy in
the living room and Jonnie had his clothes in the walking closet and
Rune have his clothes there too..
But I carry their jackets down to ground floor so
they don't forget them when we should leave..
I was out in the car already (for once) together
with Jonnie and Roy when Rune came running out and ask for his
jacket...I told him where I hang it..and he run inside again, but no
jacket for him...I start to look at Roy and ask him if he maybe had
taken the wrong jacket...but no he had his own...
We were in a hurry now so I was on my way out of
the car again to help Rune to find his jacket...but in the same
minute he came out with his frockcoat on is a bit
longer and for more elegant occasions but we really not have the
time to look more just now.
I start to ask Roy if "his" jacket really was
his...but he start to touch his jacket and say Yes this is mine I
have had it for some years now....but I know him so well *S* and ask
were he took it from...from the hanger in your hall and I had it on
when I came....Oh NOOOOO I said..You came in your black every day
jacket with a white shirt under........Nooooo he said....Yeeees I
said and we all start to laugh!!!!
That is normal that he take the first and nearest
jacket when he go.....he couldn't remember what he have been wearing
when he came some minutes earlier *S*.....Then "we" found out that
he probably have his own jacket still in his house....I have told
him some days ago to take it her so I can clean it from Dalmatian
hair..and he remember that and thought that he have take it
here....but nooooo.
He could eat a lot today because this jacket was
"some" sizes to big for him *S* and we laugh at him when we saw him
with the baggy jacket all day long!
Another funny story is from my puppy buyers Jenny
and Glenn (They have Jilloc's In The Spotlight)...
They were on their way to a wedding in a hot
summer day. Jenny was going together with some other girls to the
church and Glenn was in a boat together with some guys....they
should be witness at a wedding and when Glenn and the other was
standing outside the church ready to put their jackets on Glenn was
standing wit his arms behind his body and the jacket was really to
small today, he try and try and try but it was still toooo
small....Yes of course he had taken Jennies black jacket, size
36!!!! instead of his own in their hall in their house 150 km from
the church *S*..because it was so terrible hot this day he did not
put it on until now ***SSS***! We have had sooo funny many times
when we think about him standing there in panic!!!
In a hurry Glenn have to ask the other guys to
not put their jackets on when they were marching into the church and
Jenny that already was sitting in the church made a loooong face
when she saw them coming in without jackets *S*! And so did all the
other guests and the priest too!

Oh what is it that You are eating ......... I
want it too *S*!! Please.....
Muzica hungry.
Sunday 18 January 2009
My Darling "Darling"....Ch
Jilloc's A Match Made In Heaven
So happy that Darling visited us today!
Louice have to hide everything for Nisse *S*!
Expo was happy to come here again, for a while.
And he found his favourite tree to pee on in the
Expo and Teemu.
As soon as Rune took something to eat, everyone want it.
Darling was in good shape to be 13 year this
year......and still soooo interested in food *S*!
Saturday 17 January 2009
Lacy day for all of us.
Daddy and Muzica reading and sleeping.
This photo of Muzicas stomach is from last

Friday 16 January 2009
Funeral in Gothenburg for my Aunt.
Ellie have made a nice picture and I have made a
heart especially from Ellie...
On the way to Gothenburg.
Jennie helped Jimmie with his suite.
Ellie and Rune looking.
The priest was a young girl and she was very
Harrieth is the lady that work with everything
before the funeral..I have ordered a special cake (of course) and
asked about particularly flowers so I told her to name me "The
troublesome" and she said that her worst nightmare today was that I
shouldn't be pleased...*S* I told her that everything was
perfect......She will go to the flower shop and to her cake delivery
and tell them that I was sooooo pleased....
And the cake was really more than
perfect......Mmmmmmmm (Sorry Mark, I will try to order one like this
next time You come..)
Next month there will be a christening for
Eddie Jimmie Ofstad Karlsson,
we are all looking forward to that.
Jonnie took photos of his sister *S*!

We brought all flowers to Västerlanda where the
grave will be. Jimmie had to hurry back to work and drive all night
long. We put light in one of ours ANGELS when we came home.
It was cold outside. Nathalie say goodbye to
Jonnie. My Mum on her way back home. Jonnie in the car back to
Bye - see You soon!
A long day have come to it's end.
Thursday 15 January 2009
Out to buy flowers for tomorrow....I start to get
better now, thank god this flue is over soon.
Looking for new car....I want I want I want.....
Sooooo many nice colours.
I have been longing for a white car in two years
now, so this one was "mine" *S*! If I am really nice I can hope for
it as a birthday present this year.....? And of course we have to
win the big lottery win first!!!
Bossons beautiful daughter born in England now
living in Germany, thank You Stephanie for sharing this photos with
Caprilli's Head Over Heels ........9,5 months
Wednesday 14 January 2009
Ellies 9 Year Birthday today,
Tuesday 13 January 2009

I got this beautiful photo from my favourite
photographer Pia Laurila of her sweet dogs!
(She told me that she had put glue under Expo so
he will stay there..but I promise not to say anything about that).
Titti looks like a toydog *S*!

Swedish winter is beautiful too, if You live that
far north that Pia and her family are doing.

Expo love to play in the snow.
Photos by Pia and Teemu.
Monday 12 January 2009
Netherlands in January.

Beautiful in Holland now.... Thank You Joke and
Henk for sending us this fantastic photo from Your dog walk today.
Photo by Joke.
Seven was wondering why she was allowed to jump
into the canal now...normally they are screaming like hell if she
try to get close to the water..
And this is what Andre and Diana did with Seven
yesterday on the canals....and Seven was trotting as she did it
every day on the ice, good girl!
I am wondering what happens next time she see the
canal...... without ice *S*! Photo by Kok.
Sunday 11 January 2009
Sick and tired.
Woke up to fantastic news from Niina in Finland.
She and Pussel was at an International show and she got CAC and
CACIB and became BOB.
Congratulations to us all, and Thank You Niina
You are the best!
Timanka's Playmate is now INT Nordic (S N SF)

And Congratulations to You Niina
and Mette with Jilloc's Scandal Beauty..Neela becoming The Best
Bitch on the Top winning list 2008 in Finland only beaten by their
own "Danny".
Here in Sweden Gloria was nr 3 and Daddy was nr 5
Dalmatian of the Year.
Seven from the same litter have done it very well
in Holland but they have no Top winning list.
And many more of our dogs have very good

Congratulations to Helena and Molly (Ch Timanka's
Movie Star) Nr 2 on Top list and Best Bitch and her other bitch
Milda (Ch Jilloc's Right Here Right Now) was nr 6......Jill was Nr
4....Devlina Nr 8 and so on.....
Saturday 10 January 2009
Sick and tired.
Friday 9 January 2009
I've got the flu.....and was lying at the sofa
all day long.

Here is some "Angels" I got last Christmas from
Jennie and Jenny and the small one I got from Ellie.
Muzica was the first one to try
one of their new beds, and she bring a puppy there.
Devlina and Muzica guarded the green puppy
together *S*!
Thursday 8 January 2009
Rain and wet snow outside, it was a terrible
weather on the road, and storm.
I was at the veterinarian station for vaccination
I was so happy when I came back home again. So good to be inside and
look at old photos at the computer. And see what I found........
I found this photo from summer 2007, our
Russian friends were here, and Maria is standing behind.
Here is Lena, Muzicas mother at the mating with
And now we have mated their children Muzica and
Daddy. We have no idea that time that this will be possible..thank
You Anna for everything.
Wednesday 7 January 2009
Poor Rune up to work early....My mother called
9.30 but I could not remember what she was talking about because I
was still sleeping...
In the evening we got both bed in on place in the
kitchen and when I and Muzica and Devlina tried one of them we fell
asleep for many hours and woke up 1.30 in the night when -Rune went
to bed. Some other dogs was occupying the other bed and rune have
been working at the computer (looking for judges at dog shows during
2009 and 2010) is time to start to planning a little in good
time before our journeys in the summer and autumn already now.
Both Bell and Gloria is in season today...VERY
FUNNY...but very good at the same time because there is no shows for
them for a while.
Anna sent me Muzicas reading of her x-ray today,
it took many months for the reading in Moscow where they have to
read it, we have seen the photos before and they look more perfect
than we have ever seen, but You never know before the final
reading..and we are so happy that it was A - hips on Muzica
......... LTCH RUCH RUJCH Muzica S Nevskih Ostrovov.
Tuesday 6 January 2009
International Dog show in
Gothenburg, Judge Anette Edlander from Sweden.
Today it is a free day in Sweden for most people
so we thought it was so strange that there were only 25 Dalmatians
entered, but normal people enter only one day...and the huuuge prize
......that is even more for "normal" people, than for us show idiots
*S* that are used to pay and pay!
Daddy was more hopeless to show today than
normal...he was only thinking about bitches in season..he have been
smelling on Disa all night long *S*! He just want to lick the floor
and showed like a "bag of nuts" if You ask me!
But he was Nr 2 Best Male even today and got CAC
and later on the CACIB, because Nr one Fabian is already Int Ch.
This was his first CACIB.....I was very happy for
the first we can start to count..on 12 months before we
hopefully can get the last one after that so he can became an
Int.Ch......he have been so jealous of his sisters Seven in Holland
that already have three, and Gloria that have One in Norway, One in
Holland and Two in Sweden, she have got 4 CACIB in short time at her
five last Int shows (And she was nr 2 Best Bitch and got the Res
CACIB at the other one)...good girl! And in three countries...we are
so proud!
Gloria was the winner of intermediate again today
and Decibel was nr two. We took lot of video today so there were not
so many photos.
Gloria and Daddy as puppies.
Today my Russian Darling Muzica was entered for
the first time in Sweden, since she came to us in November (She was
here with Anna last summer where she was BIS at the Circuit Show in
Stockholm and got a CAC but she was to Young then to became Swedish
Champion then unfortunately). I have entered her in open class to
try to get the CAC....we will go for the CACIB later, after she have
got her puppies if she get some).
The open class was as always the largest one so I
regret a little that I haven't entered her in champion as we could
but then only for the CACIB.....and in champion class there were
only one bitch today...damned..but it is easy to be smart in the
end.. *S*!
Anyway Muzica showed very well and she was THE
WINNER of OPEN, Hurray I am soooooooo proud of her because when she
came she was not that fond of dog shows Anna told me....and we saw
it in Hamar three days after she have arrived from Russia..she did
what she have to do but you saw that this was not the best she can
do.......but now she loves everything and everyone and she was
wagging her tail all the
time in the ring, that was just a training today
for her and I am very proud of her behaving. And it is not that easy
to compare with Glorias happiness and crazy wagging tail, but the
judge have a hard time to decide which one of Gloria or Muzica that
will be the best bitch...of course there are some things on both of
them that I would like to always. But if I could make
ONE BITCH of those two I will maybe have my DREAM BITCH....but they
are my dream bitches both of fantastic and so

Gloria was Nr ONE BEST BITCH with CAC and CACIB,
and Muzica Nr TWO BEST BITCH with her 10'th RESERVE CACIB
Muzica have a better critic from the judge than
Gloria and she had a really hard time to decide about those two
girls..and Gloria is hard to beat because she is showing her self
extremely well *S* sometimes too much.....but I love it..just not on
the run where she is like a crazy cowboy horse on the fields in
springtime *S*!
What can I say .....more than I
am so happy and proud!
Of course we were hoping for BOB on Gloria and
another placement in the group....but our Norwegian friends got it
instead, Congratulations to You...well done to beat us *S*!!!!
Fabian BOB
Judge Anette Edlander
Gloria BOS
We did not showed any breeding group today we
have nothing similar to chose from an we were planning to go to a
birthday party tonight to Hanna, when we do not have to stay for the
finals..unfortunateley. In a hurry we packed together everything and
drive to the camping and took our caravan behind our car and start
our journey back home. It have start to snow a little and that was
not good..we have winter tires on our car and summer tires on the
caravan and that is not allowed if there is winter on the roads.
There were so much traffic and I have problems
with my eyes then and our 160 km home felt like the double at least.
We moved Disa over to Nyhammers mobilehome and
she start her "holiday" to Norway.
I have been looking at internet for two beds to
use in our kitchen...when we get puppies we always sleep there for
about 5 week before and four weeks after the
case of everything we like to be close to the mummy all day and
night long. We have tried to have them in our bedroom once at first
floor but then one of us have to be there all the time the first 8
days so I was not that good. The newborn puppies have a special
small "room" like a whelping box with heat in the floor and
"air-condition" made in an old cupboard in the kitchen, so perfect
and so much calmer for the bitch..we built it three years ago when
we renovate two rooms and moved our kennel inside the house in those
Anyway we were in a hurry home, but called and
ask IF the owner of one of the beds can come to E 20 and meet us
there because of the weather and the problems to turn around on
small roads with our long equipage....and they did so it took just 5
minutes to put it in the caravan and to pay.
On the road again and we called another seller of
another bed and they live close to E 20 and she went out to a
smaller road so we could park close to a barn where we can turn
around easy and then they came with their sofa took just
10 minutes..perfect!
Now we were really hungry and tired and I have
start to get migraine because of all sharp light from meeting cars
... We have to stay and buy food and when we came home we have to
make dinner and it took a while because first we have to feed our
dogs and turn the caravan around and to park it and to take most
important things inside the house. Then after making the dinner and
eating it we just fall apart in the kitchen together with our
sleeping dogs so there were no birthday party for us tonight.
It have been one more long and eventful day in
our life............ more rosettes to take home.
Photos from those days taken by Jenny A, Jennie,
Rune and Me.
Monday 5 January 2009
Nat. Dog Show in Gothenburg, Judge
Arne Foss from Norway.
There were only 30 Dalmatians entered today (this
is a working day), and when the prize for a normal national show is
440:- per each dog (new for this year in Gothenburg) there is MUCH
less dogs entered, and we that are used to enter 5-8 dogs everyday
have to take just some to the show then. And no discount here if You
enter more than two as on many other shows (In Norway it is always
half prize from nr three).
Jennie and Ellie was there with us today and even
My mother was there to look and Eva with Angie
and Carin with Russin. And of course Jenny with Decibel....But Jenny
what are You doing behind Your back..are You given a finger to the
judges in the ring *S*, Noooo of course not..just holding the candy
in Your hand.
Not that easy to be a dog with many that want to
examine You... in Stockholm there were three at the same time, today
"only" two.
My friend Jill was there with her Pongolands
dog. Hildegun was there with her homebred
youngsters, here is Muppe.
We have Daddy, Gloria and Devlina entered today,
(Jenny have entered Decibel)......and the judge has only seen one of
them...Devlina when she was 4 months old in a special show in Norway.

Photo of Devlina BIS Puppy at the special show in
Norway 2006. Judge Arne Foss.
Daddy was nr one in intermediaclass and Nr TWO
BEST MALE and got another CAC to his collection.
Gloria was nr one in intermediate class and later
Nr ONE BEST BITCH, even she got one more CAC today.
Rune have to show her today, my feet was so bad
after showing Daddy first.
Devlina was the only champion bitch and got CK
and in the end she became Nr THREE BEST BITCH.
In the end Gloria became BOB and Ch Lovindas Fabian BOS.
Our breeding group was Best Group, but in the
final ring in the afternoon we didn't get any placement at
all.....boring...and there were 19 groups today so we have really
needed some points. Our group today look very good if You ask me and
many people told us that. But this is the way it is for all of us,
sometimes the judge is not interested in You breed or do not even
judge Your breed and of course it is also a matter of liking about o it just is to go on and try to motivate until next show.
Most off the time when our groups win or got a
placement there is for judges from the Nordic countries or East
Europe and North Europe..The type is so much more elegant in other
countries so maybe then they think that our Nordic dogs are to much?
In the Ring of Honour for group 6 there were
Espen Engh judging..we have only showed Devlina for him once and was
not sure what he think about our Dalmatians at all.
She showed well as always.....just a little toooo
much speed *S* but better than the opposite!!!
Where are You Mummy???!!! HA HA I can seeeee You,
even if You try to hide behind someone *S*!!!
And she was The Winner!!!!!!
Judge for group 6 was Espen Engh, Norway.
Waiting for BIS!
Happy to meet Louice today, she was the
ringmaster in the afternoon.
In BEST IN SHOW ten minutes later Gloria did it
well again but did not get any placement, but a beautiful rose with
a "stamp on"!
Full of nice flowers in the final ring. One very
big reason that I love to win is that we sometimes get fantastic
flowers. If Rune is calling home and told me that he have been
winning sometimes, the first thing I ask for....Did You get any
flowers *S*!
Here today there were soooooo beautiful bouquets
in BIS....damned that we didn't had more luck *S*!
Anita showed William
today. Here is a short moment when I get contact with
Daddy *S*!
At 8 o'clock this morning when we came to the
Expo Jenny and I went to the food market and bought new baked bread.
In some stores they have this fantastic machine to cut the bread
with and You get perfect slices in the other end *S*! Jenny was
really sick today, so she have to rest in the empty store while I
take care of the bread.
We are always the last one to leave the show area
*S* so many things to carry out again. Here is Ellie and Jennie with
Jill and Anne Karin with Disa.
Back to the caravan with Jenny, Jennie and Ellie
(they went to Jennies home where Jenny stayed over the night)
and some hour later Jonnie and his friend Johan came to visit us and to
eat pizza. Jonnie was tired and when he lay down in our wonderful
bed with Muzica he fell asleep at once so we have to wake him up
after a while. He was going back home again and Anne Karin and Rune
came to us to talk about today and tomorrow.
Jonnie sleeping. We were training Muzica for tomorrow.
Sunday 4 January 2009
As usual we were some hours late before we start
our trip against Gothenburg.
It was very good weather and there were no
problem to take the caravan with us...You never know this time of
the can change quickly.
At once when we came to the camping place in
Gothenburg Rune and Rune *S* go to the Expo to bring most of our
things inside already today. During that time I try to get heat in
our was only 7 degrees inside and -15 degrees
outside...brrrrr. Our dogs was with Rune in the car....and when they
were back an hour later we have to let our car on (but it is not
allowed more than 2 minutes in Gothenburg), there were no other
possibility for our dogs. After about an hour we have 18 degrees
inside and we could bring our dogs inside....
During that hour we have been in Nyhammers new
mobile home and eat a very good dinner. There were warm and cosy as
long as Rune N didn't run in and out every fifth minute (after we
have been eating) to smoke *S*, but then they move to our caravan
with us instead, and we had a long and nice evening together.
And we opened the CHAMPAGNE today...You never
know if You get anything tomorrow *S*!!!
This is the first time ever that I have been
camping during the winter.....our new caravan is made for winter
camping with lot of heating points as gas heat, electric heat and
heat in the floor. And even all the pluming under the caravan is
isolated in case of that You like to camp in the winter, and
everything worked without problem, no drag by the floor or
Many people have their caravans at the camping
all year around and it looks like they have celebrating Christmas
there with all lights on.
To get a parking for our car in the parking house
close to the Expo we have to go some hours to early tomorrow
morning....and I hate it..but I love to go there and get a close
parking of course so nothing else to do....
3 January 2009
It have been the meaning for a long time that we will go to
Gothenburg with our caravan already today, but now when we have Disa
here and she is still smelling so good for our males it can be a
problem in the caravan so we stay home until tomorrow instead. Anne
Karin and Rune drive there in the afternoon and we continue to make
our caravan ready for the trip tomorrow.
Friday 2 January 2009
Rune woke up at 6.30 with terrible pain in his
stomach...I was calling to the hospital and they ordered us to come
there or to call for an ambulance....he have had strange pain for
about 19 years now some times during the year and he have been in
for lots of tests and they never find anything that is wrong.
(Probably too much chips if You ask me *S*).
One and a half hour later he said that maybe the
worst pain was over for this time....and fell a sleep...for an hour.
The nurse from the hospital was calling and he got a time there two
hours later to check it up again.
I was driving him there and then I was going to
Lidköping to shop some new brah's before coming shows *S*! And of
course I found some other things that I need on discount.
Late in the evening Hanna, Jens, Anne Karin and Rune
(came from Norway) and we eat together and look at our movie from the finals in
Stockholm, and had a nice time together.

We got a photo from Tove in Norway of her family,
and Albert (Int Ch Nuch SuchTimanka's Wounder Bird 12,5 years old)

And Annette sent a photo of Linn,Donna and Diezel
(Jilloc's Somebodys Star).

And here is a photo of Jonnie
putting stockings on Eddies feet. Jill is curious too.
Nathalie sent a photo of Eddie and Jimmie in the
Thursday 1
January 2009
First day of
a new healthy and lucky year for us all!

My fathers 88 birthday, if he
have been alive. We were at his grave 300 m behind our house, with
flowers and to light candles.
The rest of the
day we were at home and
look at TV.......nice!
Tomorrow it is work for Rune
again and our friends from Norway Anne Karin and Rune is coming in
the evening.