30 September 2009
I do not need any words for
those fantastic photos from Pia of Euro.


Eddie is happy and healthy
Tuesday 29
September 2009
Jonnies 19-Year Birthday
wish You all the best for the future!

Jimmie 6 year, Jonnie 2 month, Jennie 17 year.
Who can believe that this little baby boy at the photo now is 187 cm
This year.

Jilloc's Wild Music
Euro is now living in Norway since some weeks
with his owner Pia. We
got beautiful photos every day that he is such a nice and easy to
teach puppy (7 month) old....more news will come.
Monday 28 September 2009
Our car have to go to the garage today before our long trip to
Bratislava. Rune have to be there at 7 o'clock...poor (we went to
bed at 4)! It was ready after 3 hours and we were
500 E poorer, just hope it will help so it won't stop again......they
just have to clean something with the diesel pump and filters!
Photos from Germany.

Thank You Martina for all help, and to Willi for
the photos.
See You!
We have found some nice brown clothes, Hurray!
Sunday 27 September 2009
When we eat breakfast we wonder where Daddy was.......ha ha ha we
laugh a lot when we found him wrapped in Runes morning gown and he
couldn't move...he was sooo happy when we let him out *S*!
Hard work for Rune to clean our dirty caravan in the stormy weather
Saturday 26 September 2009
Today we will celebrate Jonnie a little but Eddie have been very
sick the last days with ear inflammation, fever, eye inflammation so
they have to stay home so he can rest and be strong and healthy..he
will be 1 year next weekend (times pass sooooo fast).

My poor breaks my heart to see him
like this (and it felt like yesterday when my own children was
sick....soo nervous)!

But My mother, Jennie and Ellie and Jenny came here.
We eat smörgåstårta that my mother bring and then
we eat chicken and salmon (for Jenny) and then cake and some people
here eat chips and drink drinks.
talked a lot.....and we have redecorated the furniture in kitchen to get more space
for Devlina and moved one of our beds in another part of the kitchen.
And as always both dogs and people love the bed when I put it there
*S* EVERYONE that comes here end in that bed very quickly!!!
First out was Jill and Ellie.
Poor bed it is a junior bed but have to put up
with too much here at our
Grandma and Jonnie.
Ellie, Jenny and Princess!
Friday 25 September 2009
We will be home this weekend, lovely!
to have a calm evening and look at TV...but of course we were so
tired and both of us fell asleep in front of the TV
But it was just fantastic to be home anyway *S*!
24 September 2009
And I have another material change in our house
to have a entrance and stair like this. Beauuuuuuuuuuuuuutiful!

I think this "Grand Entrance" will fit well in our hall, but must
ask a carpenter first so we do it in the right way. It will probably
take some years before we can make it like this...but we play at
Lotto every week so You never know *S*!
Carola came to continue with the hall.......she
is just fantastic to come here for some hours after her work!!
Perfect was with her and she was very happy to
meet us, as always. Soon she will be mated as soon as her season
start, we hope it will be in the beginning of November.
Poor Jill will never have her own puppies but
are sooo interested in helping Devlina with her litter.
Puppies, Jill and Devlina.
Good girls together .....Devlina and Jill.
Jenny was here to check the this her Princess???? We
do not know!!
Jonnie took the machine today and took away some
bushes between our trees. It will look so much better next year.
Wednesday 23 September 2009
I have many dreams, and this is one of them.....
Coming photo....
My new computer from Sony came today, and as always the colour is
sooo important for me *S*! I saw this one in the summer in a store
and fell in love immediately....but I have to wait until now to get
It is just beautiful and have many times larger memory than our
others and we need it when we travel and I want to keep all photos
we take and to write on my homepage. I really hope it is good and
that I could have it for at least some years. I hate to change
things that I like.
Puppies 2 Weeks today!
Four boys marked with blue and green collar.
Tuesday 22 September 2009
Rain, rain, and rain. During the day and evening there were almost
storm outside, so good to be in the house. I was by the computer almost the whole day
again. Rune came home and
fell asleep, I don't even hear when he leave the bed in the morning,
and I can't understand how he can hear the morning
bell......normally I am the one that tell him to shut it, but now
when I do not hear it HE CAN DO IT BY HIM SELF, strange!!!!
Daddy is so interested in the puppies and are
very helpful with them for Devlina, just as Jill are.
Daddy probably think that the puppies would like
to play as he carry all toys so they could see them *S*!!
Jill want to play too, but no one is
interested.......she love the toys Daddy and Gloria won in
Thanks a lot Eva and Peter for the photo of
Jilloc's With All My Heart!
Monday 21 September 2009
Still very nice weather but I was soooo lacy and stayed inside the
whole day....(at the computer).

Shadow and Dusty, BEST
photos from Henk and Joke in Holland, Thank You............And I
love Your fantastic garden!!!! Hope to finally meet You and Your
boys somewhere next year!

Our garden start to look very good in front of
the house......thanks to Carola and Peter, just look at the took Carola MANY hours to scrap the grass away, but look
sooo much better in the part that is ready.

SUCH Jilloc's Candle In The Wind born 1998
is still a handsome girl, so proud over her new collar.
Photo by Malin Svensson
Sunday 20 September 2009
We have put blankets over all windows so we
really looks like a gipsy couple, and we felt like that too!
When Rune dressed he found out that our dear
Dollar have been eating on his vest so he couldn't use it...later on
we saw that he even have taken a nag off his jacket!!!!
Nothing positive this morning except the weather.
For once we were not in the mood for dog
show......we just want it to be over, and the Judge today was from
Spain with an elegant name Mr Alcrudo.....can he really like our
stronger type of dogs?????
We dressed outside the car...and people looked at
us.......Yes You can have a look......we are NOT THAT POOR that we
can't afford a hotel room, but even if You were very rich last night
You couldn't find a room for you and your dogs close to the show!!!!
Things like that happens, and it did for us yesterday!!!!
Of course our show ring was far far away in a
corner after lot of walking....shit again a bad start of the day.
BUT the weather was lovely and the ring was perfect and many of our
nice friends were there, always something *S*!
There have been an International show yesterday
at the same place but many of the exhibitors of Dalmatians did not
understand the judging yesterday, they told us.
But today there was a new day and new chances for
us all.

Copenhagen Winner 2009,
It is
the title for Best Male and Best Female, and that is the reason that we all
are here today.
I was most "afraid" of the competition from a
young Norwegian male, with a superb handler, and some very nice
Danish Champions.
We was told, as we did
not have a catalogue,m that there were one more breed before it will
start for Dalmatians so Rune walked all the way out to the car again
to bring our puppies in. BUT then there were suddenly Dalmatian
puppies in the ring and there will be Champion males after that.....shit!!!....I
start to call Rune, but as usual his mobile phone was on top of one
cage for the dogs.......sooooo smart to put it there instead
of where it should be !xz!grrr!!!
Our good friend
Lena E were there and she was ready to help me with Bosson as Rune
haven't shown up yet, but just when I entered the ring with
Daddy...Rune came running, that was good. Thank You Pia that help me
to find him!!!!
I was very
happy when Daddy won the Champion class before some really nice dogs.
And in every class it seams like the judge was very sure what
he wanted.
In best male Daddy became Nr 1 with another CACIB,
Hurray!!! What a fantastic day, it was worth
every kind of trouble we have had on this trip, this was our reward!!!
No we can't ask for more.....this was soo good!
.jpg) As
I wrote it is not good for Rune to not get his oxygen in the
night...and it really shows today that he need it. He went in with
Gloria in the wrong class, and he forget to go in the best male
with Bosson and so on....poor!! The only thing he had control of -
for the first time - was his hear! Normally he cannot show him self
with other people after a night sleep, because it's greasy in the
morning, but not to day! But we could all laugh about it as
everything else went so well. Gloria haven't been in Denmark since
she was a junior so today she was there in open class to try for the
Danish CAC. She won open class.....and we were so happy for that,
but in Denmark You have only CAC in Best Bitch Class for the one
that not is a champion yet, so we have to wait for all classes to
see how much Mr Alcrudo likes Gloria......And he did!!!!!! She became BEST
BITCH......our face was just a big more WINNER TITLE,
and she became DANISH CHAMPION and got another CACIB (She have
already CACIB 10? in ? 6 countries). My lovely girl, I'm soo
very proud of this sister and brother *S*!!! And they are still sooo
BOS Daddy and Gloria BOB
LuxJCh JWW-08 NordJV-08 BaltW-09 KBHV-09 S N DK EE Ch Jilloc's
Sugardaddy &
NordJV-08 NV-08 SV-09 BaltW-09 KBHV-09 S N DK EE
Ch Jilloc's Splendid Choice
My friend Annelie J from Sweden was here with her
veteran bitch 11.5 years old, and she have became BOS yesterday,
Always lot of nice people in Denmark and we were
invited for cake and cider......Mmmmm so good, we have no Danish
money with us so this was perfect for us. As You can see Per Ove S
from Sweden had two glass of cider just in case *S*. He was happy
for his BOB from yesterday and celebrate today too.
Lovely day!
Oh my god, what is Per Ove doing ??? Maybe he did
not like the cake.....Lena is looking strange at him *S*!
Then Rune was totally wasted......poor. He woke
up with terrible pain in his neck, wonder why *S*!
Lot of Swedish and Norwegian people have lot of
success, and as always Tangetoppen was one of them.
On the photo Björn Erling and one of their new
youngsters that was BOB today.
After the finals (Gloria didn't get any place in
the group for Marja Talvite) we hurry out to the car and start our
trip back home.....quick over the bridge so we can stop and buy
something to eat at Mac D for our Swedish money *S*!
When we almost was over the border our car start
to get problems AGAIN................Oh NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO we are to
tired for more problems now. We came over the border and the car
stopped and start and stopped again....finally we were at the gas
station and filled up with diesel so hopefully all water and air
came out.
I walked over to Mac D and
bought food so if we have to stay in the car tonight on the road we
at least not should be hungry, and we feed our dogs at the same
time, in case of. Of course I succeeded too drop my salad on
the floor before I have opened it, so I just eat an ice cream instead!
Dogs was happy for that, they love salad!
We got problems immediately on the highroad and
have to stop.......on the road. Rune have looked what the man was
doing with our car at the garage on Friday and now he tried to do
the same.....we tried to drive again but suddenly it stopped again!
We do the same procedure as before and this time it worked better
probably he got all air and water out.....and the car behaved
perfect all the way home in the night!
But we were totally wasted after this weekend, so
80 km south of Gothenburg when we had 230 km left to home we just
have to stop and sleep for 1,5 hour.....then it was a bit better and
with lot of candy, chips and high music we finally reach home in the
middle of the night.
First thing we do when we came home was to look at all photos from
those fantastic and eventful days.
Sooooooooooo god to be home!!!
Forget to tell about that when we were on our way
to Germany at Friday Rune remind me of our PASSPORT, he should have
been doing that at home, because now I have forgot them...hope we
come back to Sweden again without problems......and now we know that
we did *S*!!!

Lots of thanks to Jenny that stayed here with
Devlina and her puppies until we were home again! (Hope Your future
Princess is here in the V-litter, but a bit early to know yet).
Goodnight to the whole world, see You!
Saturday 19 September 2009
Today Carola and Peter is going to our house
in Götene. Carola
LOVE to work with her garden and HATE to see ours, so she will start
today to make it better and in some weeks they come with their
caravan and stay here the whole weekend.
We are VERY happy to have
friends like them!

Always lot of expensive cars outside hotels in
Germany! (And then ours of course).
Ten years ago I bought the rights to the vanity
plate - JILLOC for my car, it was only allowed with 6 letters on the
plate then, but since last year you can have 7 letters and that fit
me perfect. Last week I got my new one with the correct spelling
sooooo much better!
As I wrote we were up early and drive towards
Siek again.....Then Viola from the Dalmatian Club called and we were
told that they now have put up signs to the showground...Thank 15 minutes we found the place!!!
It was a lovely September morning, but here in
Germany it was summer!!!!!
In the morning about 30 minutes before the show
start You have to come into the ring and get Your number for the
Rune as a papparazzi *S*!
Now we regret that we didn't enter Dollar and
Penny, as they were here with us, and Andrea was judging puppies
today as they have got sooo many dogs for this show.
BIS Puppy today was a very nice male from kennel
Perdita in Norway, we liked him a lot.
Owner Stephanie Wahl, Magdenburg/Germany.
Best from Jungstenklasse was a beautiful male six
months old from Kennel Vom Schwarzen Berg, here with the Judge for
Puppies and Juniors, Andrea Mix, Germany.
Daddy was entered in Champion class and Bosson in
Open..........There were six males entered together with Daddy and
finally he became Nr 1 with Excellent, Hurray! He have now two CAC
in Germany (He need 5 to become VDH Champion). So we will be back!!!
Bosson became Nr 2 in his class with Excellent
too, very good because it was 12 dogs there.
Some males from different classes.
Some males from different classes.
.jpg) This
was the winner of Open class.
More of the males from today.
The Judge made us run a lot!!!
Bosson and another male in Open class.
Daddy in champion class.
Bosson in Open Class.
It was lunchtime and they have a barbeque with
nice and cheap food.
Viola with one of her sweet bitches.
This Danish bitch became Junior Champion today, both were very
Some of the bitches. (the bitch to the right was BOS in Barleben in
June, when Daddy became BOB and Clubwinner)!
Some more bitches.
Gloria started in Champion class, there were only
4 bitches. She won the class with Excellent (And she have now 2
German CAC).
The Judge was very fond of Ilonas bitch, she was the one that was
there for the last competition with Gloria for BOB.
this show all Winners from each class came into the ring in the end
and one by one was excused......Finally there were three left and
out of us (Ilona with her bitch, Me with Daddy and Rune with Gloria)
The Judge Anita Whitmarsh choose Gloria for Clubwinner today!
SUCH, NUCH, EECH, NordJV-08 NV-08 SV-09 Baltic
W-2009 Jilloc's Splendid Choice
Anita Whitmarsh talked a little after the show.
Everyone got the critique and some prizes after
the show. Many small puppies here today, such a good training.
Lot of things for every exhibiter.
We met lot of friends from Barleben and some
other old friends, so nice too see You after a long time (Regina),
and happy to see Dennis son Challenger von Rebecko that got his
GERMAN Club CHAMPION DIPLOMA today, Congratulations from us!
Regina was happy!
Nice bouquet of cockards!
A quarter past five we drive away from Siek
towards Denmark again, and we did not stop until we came to
Puttgarden and BORDERSHOP, that is a place we both like!
After one hour shopping we have to take all our
things out from the car and start all over again to get room for
everything we bought. I just can say that the car was very full *S*!
Where should I put it???????
Back on the ferry I stayed in the car and fell
asleep again, Rune went up on the boat.....
As soon as we came to Denmark we start to look
for a hotel again, we can take one as soon as we find a room, but it
was impossible even from 50 km outside Copenhagen. I called my
daughter Jennie in Sweden and she try to find rooms on internet and
both she and we called for everything we could find, but NO! Nothing
that was available allowed us to bring dogs into the rooms. And if
we have to pay around 250 Euro for a room I will have my dogs there,
no discussion about that!!!!!
The time was past 22.00 and many small hotels
were closed, and even the central for Scandic we have to
drive around to different hotels inside and outside Copenhagen and
ask for at least a single room if the double were occupied......
No good luck and we start to be VERY tired and
frustrated. We have been eating tea and sandwich and we have been
feeding our dogs so we were not hungry, just so damned tired!!!
When clock was over midnight I was really
desperate and just then I could have paid very, very much for a
simple room for us and the dogs. And we have been talking about to
take a shower all the day now, it have been sooo terrible hot and
the judge today have been sending us around in the ring soo much
that we just have to shower before we can go to sleep.
At 1 o'clock we both reminde that when we were
camping some years ago at Bröndby there were a shower in the cellar
for us that stayed at the show, so if we can go there for a shower
than we give a damned on the hotels and try to sleep in the car (but
god will know that I really hate it...and now we have lot of things
from Bordershop, so how can we do it???).
Outside the dog show area lot of people have
parked with their mobile home and there were even some sleeping in
their car, but that was 30 year since I could accept
that in worst case....Oooooo I really hate it, and first of
all...Rune can't exist without his breathing mask during the nights,
so we need electricity........It is really dangerous for him not to
use the machine and I have to stay awake and listen to every breath
he is taken so he don't stop breathing.....This is a situation that
NOT HAVE TO HAPPENED, but everything that we have planned was set
aside when Rune couldn't be free at Friday and we have to leave the
caravan at home. IF we have known this before the weekend of course
we have booked a room for us in time. There were probably many more
events in Copenhagen as all hotels was full booked.
When we walk to find the shower (last time it
have been open all night because of the toilets there for all
campers)...with our dogs towels with us *S* we haven't brought any
towels and shampoo for us, we always use what is at the hotel
rooms..........When we came to the door to the sanitary area
it was closed!!!!!! Because all toilets there were
Nooooooo no more shit now......if it at least have been raining,
then I have dressed off and just been standing in the rain to feel a
little bit fresher, shit, shit, shit!!!
Back to the car.......we have to put more dogs
together as we have to keep the backseat free to sleep on and just
put things on the took over an hour to get all things and
dogs in right positions for the night. Rune lay down and I start to
listen to his breathing.....I fell asleep and woke up, went out for
peeing and in the car again and start to listen to -Rune and fall
asleep and out peeing and look at the clock and wish it would be
morning. shit that we are not the first breed in the ring as we just
now want to show our dogs and GO HOME FOR A SHOWER AND A BED!!!!!!!
Friday 18 September 2009
Friday is the best day of the week IF we are
going to have a "free" weekend at home, we can stay up looooong and
look at TV, light a lot of candles and eat something special if we
Hanna came home today with Alicia so I was
there just a quick look before Rune came.
Alicia seams to be a very calm baby, so far!
But there one more left?????
Rune have tried to be free today, but there
were too much to do at his work, so he have to work, until about two
o'clock. That means that we can't drive away from home until
14.30.......and to reach Germany in time for the hotel tonight and
tomorrows Special show we have to leave our caravan home, because it
takes too long to drive there with that one after the car....and
that immediately start to give other problems..
Our plans was to go early this morning and
Jenny could have come at 6 o'clock....take the caravan to our
puppybuyer Jettes garden, in Denmark, and put it there and drive
further to Germany, the nearest city to Siek, where the
club show will be hold.
Then we can go back there
Saturday evening and meet Jette and her both Dalmatians and spend
the night in the caravan and then go to the Copenhagen Winner Show
in Bröndby/Copenhagen at Sunday morning....
Our plans was to let the
caravan be there until two weeks when we come back there on our way
to Bratislava, that have been soo perfect and I have been planning
for that for a long time, that have saved us a lot of money for
hotels and extra costs for the caravan on the Malmö Bridge or the
ferry for example. Now we have to find a hotel in Copenhagen at
Saturday evening.....I start to call to MANY hotels on the way from
home but everything was full and they cant say anything more until
they have seen which guests that will come in Saturday evening....
When we have been driven about 40 km from home
suddenly our car start to get problems again......we had problems
with the diesel pump some month ago and then we change filters and
everything was good again. And now the same.....the car stopped and
start and then stopped again...SHIT, SHIT why just now we do not
have any time for extra insurance.
The one month old Dieselfilter in our new car!!!!
We start to call to some garage and after a while
we found one that still was open one more hour. We come there just
in time when they should close......But because of soooo nice and
helpful people when we told them our situation they took care of our
car and one hour later they have checked it and changed diesel
filter again! This was an extra cost we haven't expected, but
nothing else to do than repair and pay! I was sitting in the car and
alter my new trousers, now I just have to find a iron at the hotel
to make them ready for tomorrow. We called the hotel and told them
that we will be VERY problems thank god!
Just before we go Rune have made him some toasts
and put on the oven in a paper, he will eat them on the way because
we have no time to stop...BUT of course Devlina (the hungry mother)
jump up and took them *S* very funny...and we did not have the time
to make new. Rune have to eat chips and candy instead.......poor!
Not good instead as dinner/food.
Everything went fine with the car and we were soo
happy that the car have got problems immediately and not in the
evening/night in Denmark or Germany.
We stopped in Malmö to buy diesel and food and to
walk the dogs. Bosson, Daddy, Gloria, Dollar and Penny was with us.
The puppies just for fun (so there will be just our Jill and Kassie,
Jenny's dog at home for her to take care of), and we wasn't sure
that their blood test was ok when we entered long time ago. That is
why we haven't entered them either to Germany or Denmark,
unforgivably. I eat
mashed potatoes and sausage and rune bought some kind of pizza at
the gas station. We took
the bridge and some hours later we were at Rödby to take the ferry
to Germany. It have been dark for many hours now and we were very
tired. We fell asleep immediately and suddenly Rune wake up..all
cars in front of us was gone...he drive very fast against the boat
and we were the last car onboard before they closed...thank god Rune
woke up!!! We have no time to lose!!!!!
On the boat we stayed in the not know if
we were allow but we HAVE to sleep a little. Suddenly I woke up and
then we were in Germany. About 170 km to drive, it is not that far,
but when You are soooo tired that seams like much, much longer.
First we will go to Siek to try to find the
showground for tomorrow. We will ALWAYS find out where the dog show
is the day before as we can not always trust "the lady" in our
Navigator....and sometimes it can be hard to find even with a good
map. I start to get some
pain in my stomach.......and was longing for the bed in the hotel.
It have been a long day and I/we only slept three hours last night.
After one hour around Sieks all streets and in
and exits Rune have to drive me 10 km to the hotel...Then he go back
to Siek again for 1,5 hour. Because it was in the middle of the
night everything was closed and no people to ask for the way to the
"Windhundrenn".... He got
a map from our hotel but there they have said to him to drive there
were nothing.
I was sleeping when he came back at 2.30 and he
had write a mail and send sms to some people in the Dalmatian club
from the reception, it was a bit nervous if we can find the place
when we can look in the daylight so we put the bell on 6 o'clock..

Grandmas sweetheart Eddie 11
month old 2009. And his father Jimmie 11
month old 1985.
Thursday 17 September 2009

Photo Modellhuset
This is my dear friend Annicka, but You
never have seen her like this before *S*!
(She is a farmers wife!!! Can You believe
it ?!?)
SUCH Jilloc's Hothouse Flower became Dalmatian Of The Year some
years ago.

Rune have to drive to Gothenburg in the
late night and was back home at 2 o'clock, poor!
Wednesday 16
September 2009
Welcome to the world
Today it was the D-day for
Hanna and Jens - baby to be born.

3780 g and 51 cm
I better have to rest a little now, because very
soon I have to come home and exercise for Junior handling......

Soooo happy for a girl, I have already bought lot
of pink things, I was so sure of a girl!
Mother and child bouquet!
Tuesday 15 September 2009
Today I got photos from Therese that took lot
of pictures during the dog show on Saturday.
Thank You, much much better than ours.

What???? He is running with closed eyes *S*!

Mommys Boy Daddy and Mommys Girl Gloria!

Thank You Therese for nice photos from Sofiero.
The small baby girl have doubled her weight now
that is good, but her sisters are much bigger.
This is my first litter
that is so quite and pleased, all my litters normally have high
decibel, but these puppies sounds like cocker puppies just sleeping
and eating.
Monday 14
September 2009
I called the vet early this morning and ask
for a time there. I took the nearest vet as I couldn't be away too
long from the puppies, and after an x-ray of her uterus we saw that
there were no puppies left and that it looked normal. Hopefully I
can stop worried now....but I am not satisfied with her fluid.....we
have to wait and see. But she is happy hungry and a very good
mother! Back home
9.30 lot poorer *S*!
In the Post today there were the Rabies result
for Dollar and Penny, and both of them have enough antibodies in
their blood to go to Europe with us, HURRAY. Now they can travel
with us immediately and Dollar is entered to Bratislava too. Very
quick answer this time less than a week for the result, very good!

Today Rune had a shit day from the beginning to
the end. First of all he drop his keycard for his work. He was
leaving Jennies car at Volvo this morning and when he came there in
the evening after work to drive back home the car was not possible
to start!! He have to wait for Jonnie and his friend as I couldn't
leave Devlina.....he came home late and was very tired..Everything
have went wrong for him this day at work too.
Sunday 13
September 2009
Day at home in the garden, don't tell Rune, then he will stay in
Sofiero *S*!
That was my plans but we were so terrible tired
that we spend most of the time inside with Devlina and the puppies
both of us. Rune went out in the evening and cleaned the dog yard
AGAIN from the last (hopefully) pears that is like a carpet every
morning......and our dogs love to eat it...not that good to eat a
lot every day for three weeks now!
I saw that Devlina had fresh blood on her hind
legs and called the vet, but we do not have to be worried they said.

News from Russia about Tyson.
Ch Timanka's Real Power became BOB, BIG 1 and
BIS 2 , and got CACIB in Kabarovsky.
We are so proud of You Evgenija, and thank You
for showing Tyson so well.

Photo by Marina Bondarenko.
Elise and
Marieke met in Luxembourg with their puppies. Lovinda's Indian
Princess born in Norway and lives now in Holland and Alphadirato
Innovation Brand born in Estonia lives in Holland. They both have
the same father and he lives in Sweden, our Loverboy.
Thank You Marieke for sending us photos.
Saturday 12 September 2009
Dog show in Sofiero/Helsingborg in south of Sweden.
Judge is Paula Rekiranta from Finland.
It was a beautiful and sunny day. In the park in front of Sofiero
castle there were ring 9 for us. We have to wait some hours until it
was time for us and we talked a lot with all our friends that were
First of all change clothes, and when I opened my new tights I
thought they were for a little child...large size but looked VERY
small, we all laugh a LOT!!!
After some help from
Rune they fit perfect ha ha...we had lot of fun this morning we and
our friends! When Arne/Cliff had put up their tent
he fell asleep immediately, probably he have had a hard night!?!
Dollar was first out!
Then it was time for Dollars father Daddy and uncle Love/Spermbank.
Love/Spermbank and Lotta.
Daddy was more interested in something behind us *S*!
Daddy became Best Male and Second came Spermbank. Expo was entered
but did not come unfortunately.
Eva o Angie showed very well but did not get the last CAC today
On the other hand today's CAC went to Lena E:s own bred male and to a
Danish bitch from Kennel Friheden.
What is Jenny looking for.......? Maybe she talk to God and ask for
good luck today!
Carin and Russin.
Carola and Perfect.
Jenny and Jill.
Five bitches in champion class four Jilloc's and one from
Mellanmöllans. Rune in front with Gloria.
Who will be the winner today? Brother or sister??
Nord JW-08, Baltic Winner-09, Lux Jun Ch, SUCH, NUCh, DKUCh, EECh
Jilloc's Sugardaddy
Nord JW-08, NV-08, SV-09, Baltic Winner-09, SUCH, NUCh,
EECh Jilloc's Splendid Choice
Judge Paula Rekiranta, Finland
Discussions before the finals.
We are soooo concentrated here *S* but our dogs have
a good positions.
No perfect photo from the group but we were BIS 3 Breeder!
I have told Daddy (as always) before the finals that I want flowers
today too, so on the first photo You can see that he is thinking
which colour I want most of all.........Rune have to show him in the
final because the "ring of honour" was huuuuuuge!
Daddy was not interested in Rune at all, he was looking in
hand if he can get something from her instead *S*!
Daddy was BIG 2 after a Rhodesian Ridgeback and Gloria was happy
that her "ugly brother" that beat her today AGAIN didn't get no more
Winner of Group.......she think she is the best one and are not fond
of concurrence from her own brother!!!
(I just
think she is jealous). And she told me that SHE could have fix one
of the flower cups for me.......!
But we were very pleased
with the Big 2 because we would like to go home to the puppies, so
now we do not have to go back here tomorrow and "save" 800 km
driving again!
We really do
not know how we come back home we were all so tired and have to stop
many times on our way this late evening!
Photos from today by Rune, Jenny, Eva, Arne and
Friday 11 September 2009
close to Devlina whole day and just wait for Rune to come home so I
can take a shower and pack for tomorrow.
My daughter Jennie is coming here tonight.
She will
be the babysitter for Devlina and the puppies when we are in Sofiero
tomorrow. Rune sleep in our bedroom and Jennie and
I close to Devlina and the puppies, we have to lift the small
puppies to the milk otherwise the fat once will eat it all *S*!
Not much rest and at 5 in the morning Jenny came and we start our
trip against Sofiero, my intention was to sleep in the car, but I
was to tired to sleep, damned. Just before we were in Helsingborg I
fell asleep....Then I was very tired.
Thursday 10 September 2009

Here comes the rest of this litter......
01.40 Bitch Dead, sooooo sorry.
02.11 Bitch, Hurray
02.44 Bitch Dead, not again!!!!!
03.13 Bitch, Jenny smile sooo much.
03.23 Bitch, almost too good to be
true! 04.09 Bitch, fantastic!

20090909 is Kennel
Jilloc's V-Litter born
The result from Devlinas and Vics litter is
There is some smaller puppies but we just have
to keep them warm and see that they all get food coming days and
hope that as many as possible will live a long and healthy life!

Best wishes to the father in Denmark Ch
Spotnik's Viking Victory and his owner Sören Jacobsen, we are really
curious what this combination will give.

Wednesday 9 September 2009
Both Devlina and me are tired now..we have been
awake most of the time tonight preparing for the puppies...but
nothing yet!

Now she started 17.15 Male
19.07 Male
20.22 Male 22.45 Bitch 23.00 Male 23.12 Bitch 23.39 Bitch Hopefully some more tomorrow

As soon as puppy Nr 1 came out I called for
Jenny. When Rune came home they where both very good babysitters.
First we got many males.......
Princess (hopefully)!
And after a while there came
two more bitches........that is what we know so far!
To be continued tomorrow.
Tuesday 8 September 2009
This is the most beautiful month of the Year,
if You ask Me...September I Love You!
Even if the weather isn't the best always it
have been warm and lot of sun. Evenings are darker and I love to up
light up lot of candles all over from the afternoon.
And even I can go to the forest...I believe that
all snakes have gone home (hopefully)...don't say anything else
Roy came back from Asia an Devlina was so happy to see him (She
probably think-:Here comes the food man). She still eat sausage and
meatballs and that kind of food......nothing else the last week......
Devlina is a bit more confused today, she walk from her bed to
another sleeping place and can't decide which is the best for
her..she dig a little from time to time and just look at me as she
want me to tell her what is happening in her body.....
Jenny is hoping for tomorrow for the new puppies 20090909 is a
perfect birthday she think....we have to wait and see *S*!
I can still scratch my back!!!
But I am too fat to lick my I can use the chair for that
Monday 7 September 2009
Today I or Jenny will go to the vet to take Blood test for Rabies
for Dollar and Penny, which one of us that go there depends on
Devlina was
still calm when Jenny came from school so I drive to the vet and
Jenny and Devlina go to sleep in the same bed in the kitchen.
Our friend Anki with Penny and Dollar.
Look at this fantastic fruit tree, I picked some *S*!
Sunday 6 September 2009
Sunny day at home!
Dogshow at Öland, Judge Eva Nielsen.
Both Helena and Hildegunn were there.
I got a phonecall in the afternoon that J Right Here right Now
(Milda) became BOB and BIG 2, Congratulations, well done!!!!
Hopefully I get some photos. Rune worked in one of our
wings where he have been putting all different things for many years
now since we haven't used our kennel there for at least 3-4 years
now, so the boxes is full of shit and unnecessary things that he
haven't had time to throw away. But now we really need some place
for our things so everything old have to be put away.
I was mostly inside and took care of all things from our
that now was all over the kitchen!
But when You
start to clean the house there is some days that look even more
terrible than before You start to clean, but then after a while You
can see the nice result.
Some more days and it will be better!
Jenny is talking about Norway all the time, and what she
is missing most
of all with that country......LOLLIPOP!!! Here is a photo from
Röstånga some months ago, when Anne Karin came from Norway with
the freezer full of Lollipop for Rune and Jenny. But Roy, Jennie and
Ellie try them first of all! And they all love it. Why can't they
sell Lollipop in Sweden when the company that make them sell other
ice-creams here!!! (And the main storage is in Sweden only 1 km from
our house???)
Saturday 5 September 2009
The first thing I saw this morning was.......
Jenny and Devlina.....
Rune judge English Springer Spaniel in Högbo today and was home about 19.30
in the evening.

Photo by Daniel Björkman
Two dogs from Kennel Barecho was BOB and BOS today.
Some weeks ago at WAFDAL SHOW, Norway.
Ch Dalming's Hocks Pokus (Devlins son) and Perdita's Addicted To Love
(Devlins grand daughter), with their owners and Chairman of Wafdal
Frans De Ridder, Aase Jacobsen (Judge for the males and BOB) and
Rune (Judge for bitches).
Friday 4 September 2009
Today Rune have to leave extra early because he is going to leave my
Mercedes at the garage for service. In the afternoon he is going to
Högbo 400 km north to judge Springer spaniels there tomorrow for the
first time at SKK. When he
got my car back in
the afternoon after leaving his job some hour earlier than normal,
he was on his way home and the car suddenly stopped....WHAT!!!!!
After a while he could start it again and drive back to the garage
and they look at it and said that there were no faults so he could
just drive. The same procedure again and the car stopped after some
kilometres..SHIT.. he was now in a hurry and everyone have gone home
from the garage except one sales man.
He gave Rune his
car and took mine into the garage again so they can look at it on
Monday morning!!! This in NOT the first time we leave our car to a
garage and when we get it back there is something wrong......sooooo
damned stupid......what are we paying for?????
Some hours late Rune came home and grab a pizza and took his things
out to the car and drive towards Högbo.
In the evening Jenny came here to "Babysit" ME........I hate to be
alone the whole night, so Rune have asked her many months ago if
she can "take care of me" tonight *S*!!!!
We eat some vegetarian food and made food for Jonnie too and talked,
talked and talked about dog shows *S* what else.
Rune arrived safe in Högbo late in the evening and went
to bed for a good
night sleep.

Jenny and I went to bed at midnight !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was so tired and
she was a bit sick.....of course Jonnie called half past one with
something important (I can't remember what *S*) he probably just
want to talk. During the night I was out with Devlina once, so much
easier now when we are sleeping here in the kitchen for the second
night. Devlina think the stair is too much now.
Thursday 3 September 2009
In the evening Tomas came here to get all Bells papers, she is since
some months living outside Stockholm with Helena and Tomas and have
a perfect life together with those lovely people. So happy that we
found each other. I feel so happy when "our"
dogs move to new homes......because most of the time I get that
extra connection already on the phone, and in 999 times out of 1000
is my first feeling correct. I can wait many months and years to get
our "grown" puppies and dogs out to right persons,
then we are only happy and not sorry at all when
they move, because we know that then they get their own family with
much more time for just them.

Baby Bell

Tomas and Rune (Helena and Bell was home).

Some times Devlina try the whelping box, and she love to dig in our
beds, that is why we have put fens on them during the day.
Wednesday 2 September 2009
Sun in the morning, then rain again, but who cares?

Today was the last day I leave home before Devlinas puppies will be
home, so I have to do some necessary things like go to the
drugstore, shop a little and get pedicure at my feet , so now I am
prepared to stay home 14 days. Ok I have some costumers but I will
only book them in the evening when Rune can stay with Devlina.

Hopefully it is the last day that the company that make our new road
behind our house is here, but it is necessary so we can drive in at
the barn with our caravan and do not have to reverse 1000 times in
front of the house times every time we come home with the caravan.
Tuesday 1 September 2009

We want puppies like this at 4 months of age!

Everything is ready for the birth now, but hopefully some more days
to go.

Devlina sleep and rest a lot those days. Maybe she is dreaming about
her first show in Norway she was 4 month old and became BIS-Puppy
for Arne Foss!

Three years ago!

She is happy when Jonnie comes.
She was happy when he came when she was small too *S*!

This week they show Devlins Movie "Krama Mej" again at is
the guy in the leading roll with Devlin that just have seen Rune,
and wanted to run to him *S*!!!