Jilloc's S- Litter 2007
Father: Int Nord DK Ch FinW-99 WW-00
SW-00-01-02-03 Jilloc's A Man In The Mirror. Mother: S Ch Jilloc's
Key To Success |
First pictures are taken at 4 weeks and 4 days. Last pictures
are taken at 8 weeks.
Black dog
Jilloc's Somebodys Star
Owner: Ours
May be for sale later on.
BAER tested: ++
Black dog
Jilloc's Sugardaddy
Owner: Ours BAER tested: ++
Black dog Jilloc's Speedy Gonzales
Owner: Tina Granholm, Hässelby Not tested.
Liver dog Jilloc's Stand By Me
Owner: Malla Karhu, Finland Not tested.
dog Jilloc's Sperm Bank
Owner: For sale Not tested.
bitch Jilloc's Seventh Heaven
Owner: Andre o Diana Kok, Holland BAER
tested: ++
bitch Jilloc's Super Model
Owner: Kristina Cronwall, Kolmården. Not
bitch Jilloc's Splendid Choice
Owner. Ours BAER tested: ++
bitch Jilloc's Scandal Beauty
Owner: Niina Huttunen, Finland
BAER tested: ++
Best shown in explorer 1024/768